Former congressman will lobby for ethiopian government

  • Former congressman will lobby for ethiopian government

    They will reward candidates that support sovereignty and territorial integrity of their countries. At the weekend, gunmen killed 32 people and torched more than 20 houses in another part of the country, in the west. Sources said efforts were under way behind the scenes to encourage talks, pushed by the african union. But the initiative was being resisted by the government which insists it has to eliminate a threat posed by the tplf.

    Far from being a war waged in a distant land, news of the continued conflict in ethiopia hits very close to home. Aepac is only the latest ethiopian-american group to join a crowded diaspora advocacy field whose divisions mirror those in the multi-ethnic country. While the denver-basedethiopian american civic council has been taking prime ministerabiy ahmed‘s side the conflict, us groups representing the amharas, oromos and tigrayans have all beenlobbyingwashington in recent month .


    It is my sincere belief that the eu can play a constructive and diplomatic role in bringing the tigray conflict to an end, but that will be by working with the democratically-elected government. It won’t be by through knee jerk reactions, condemning the country’s leadership or pursuing sanctions which only stand to weaken the entire country. Forgetting the politics, those living there are our brothers and sisters, and they need support. That support must be facilitated by the government of ethiopia, with help from the international community. There cannot be any assumed equivalence with the tplf which, because of its subversive stance, has been classified as a terrorist organisation by the country’s parliament.


    Aepac members participate in political discourse and community activities aimed at strengthening ties between the two nations and peoples. Tensions with the tplf have been escalating since september, when tigray held regional elections which the federal government called illegal. In choosing to avoid sending a mission, the eu is going to rely solely on external knowledge, coming almost completely from international media sources. That simply does not provide the extensive understanding required for the eu to share an informed view of the process and its outcome. She has led the country through an arduous two-year process of consultation, across all opposition parties, via an inclusive forum where all competitive political parties have debated and decided on the rules of the electoral competition. As my nephews volunteer to defend the amhara region and its people, in what is being called a “survival campaign” - I ask myself where is the international condemnation of the tplf?


    According to the ambassador, the newly established committee is tasked to strengthen the ethiopia-us relations in several aspects. Youm a. Fesseha is president, usa pharma products inc., a pharmaceutical distribution and export company, with over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.TPLF Currently serves as board member of several non-profit and civic organizations including iocc philadelphia chapter and ethiopian north american health professionals association.


    It’s a region which has suffered significantly since the tigray people’s liberation front launched an insurrection against the ethiopian government last november, attacking military bases across the north of the country. Ethiopia is sacrificing a lot to a conflict purposely continued by a group attempting to overturn the democratic process which saw them fall from power. The u.S. Must demonstrate its respect to the unity and integrity of its longtime ally and not allow this tplf to fracture the relationship, both for the sake of its own national security and for the sake of its geopolitical and economic relations. The ethiopian government must also answer the allegations of violence leveled against them. Indeed, over 70 ethiopian soldiers have already appeared before military courts, demonstrating the government’s willingness to build bridges, a willingness that I do not believe the tplf to possess. In order to bring an end to the conflict, ethiopia’s foreign partners must understand the historical background of the crisis, and the measures the government has taken to try and bring closure to the crisis.


    The tplf’s desire to have ethiopia delisted from the african growth and opportunity act would not only impoverish hundreds of thousands of ethiopians, it would also deprive the u.S. Of valuable trade links. The continued fighting in the north of the country threatens the stability of the wider horn of africa region, undermining u.S. Efforts to counter the terrorism of al-shabab. Fitsum celebrated reports that the u.S. Would restore aid to ethiopia in february 2021, reiterated his support for the gerd. Fitsum claimed it would help provide electricity to 60 million people and boost environmental efforts. Ambassador fitsum expressed gratitude to ethiopian-americans and civic organizations for making the initiative to set up the committee, and their related supports.